Such as in this video, there are two male energies and one female energy, which seem to be the same ratio that speak to us. I find this very interesting.
The biggest importance is that they have a message to those who are awakening to support them and guide them during this process. For those who are willing to hear the messages, it will help them in their spiritual path.
In this video, they speak of different kingdoms and different masters in charge of those kingdoms. In our recordings they have been speaking of kingdoms, which I never really understood, what they were speaking about.
They were also speaking about different groups of masters helping Humans on earth and humanity with different important topics that need to be addresses.
Also in the video, the message came through, that they (the masters who are helping us on the earth plane) those of us who grow spiritually and help others awaken, will not reincarnate again, but we will be serving as masters helping those still on the earth plane. I found this interesting also, as this is what the light beings who speak to us have also said. That we had a special purpose now at this time. For this I do truly believe as we also have had Arch Angels come through our spirit box helping and assisting.
Watching this video, cleared a few questions up, as to whom we are speaking to on the spirit box and what our mission is. We are so truly blessed.
Now as I improve my belief system, I to will be channeling more message as Sharon is doing. For now, we will continue to listen to the message from the spirit box and send the messages out. I also have had 3 1/2 hours of a download from my higher self or spirit guides and I will be sharing this soon.
They are looking for more humans on Earth that will help spread the word and are willing to receive messages.
In the 2nd Video: It clears things up, that even though these are Males coming through, they now have divine female and divine male energies. So they are Not what we would think as male and females on earth. We are all starting to become one with source. These male and female energies coming through are one with source.
Update: I have added another link below talking about Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
Here is the video:
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