Thursday, July 9, 2015

Pictures of what we Captured on Video Take a Look

I have blown up and re-sized the picture from the video and I am uploading the pictures here to keep and view. Definitely 2 faces that were captured on video when Chuck and I were on skype. See the information on what I am speaking about here. I have the video urls listed and information there. 
We are just so excited to look at these pictures since we saw the video!
Look at the pictures below and let us know what you see.

The top image, who I feel is a male seems to be wearing a driving cap like this: What do you think?

Comments Welcome
Be Blessed

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Help Needed to blow up a picture and Not Make it Blurry

Tonight Chuck and I were watching a video we had uploaded on May 17, 2015 of a skype session. While watching it, I saw movement on the left side of the screen. We are the ONLY ones in the house, so I thought it was odd to see something moving. I took a picture of the video with my snagit and blew it up to see what it could be. It looks like 2 faces.  
Does anyone know how to capture a Picture from a Video and make it Bigger so we can see what is in the picture clearly? I would deeply appreciate it if you could help. See the picture I captured from the video below:
Here is a short clip with Just the part where the movement was in the original video:

Here is the original video
Look at the left side of the screen on top corner:
at 6:47 - 6:48

Greatly Appreciate Your Help if You can
Have a Blessed Week

Saturday, July 4, 2015

SCD-1 & Portal session: PumpkinHead Paranormal Spirits ask me a question?

View the Original Video Below then watch the Video I made by taking the audio clip and putting it into Audacity and changed the speeds to listen to his audio and figure out what question the spirits were asking him.  I also did reverse to see what that would do. Very Interesting to say the least. 

Changed Speeds and Reverse with My Interpretation:

After Listening and Listening 
I Really think it says:
I have a question:
Does the Positive Proof Exist?
Reversed is interesting
If the Truth Evolves 
they Keep Dealing with that
Yep Yep

Please leave your comments below with your thoughts of what you hear.

For the Full Video of his session, which was pretty awesome how he set up his Portal
check out this video: