July 22nd, 2013 we did a session asking this question. Below you will find the video with the recorded session and the answer to the question.
I have been noticing that as soon as I start the spirit box up, they know it i son and state : It's Open. Like they are saying, the communications is open that I can start to hear them. Pretty Amazing!
They seem to be appreciating that I am connecting with them with Questions that a lot of people on earth would like to ask them. As when I asked for my spirit guides and Guardian Angels to communicate with me, they stated: You Got Them. Respectful and Done with Purpose. This made me feel really good to hear.
So I think I will be doing a lot more of these sessions.
I then Asked the Question: Would love to know if all they children living in countries with no water or food will ever get out of poverty. They said: Good Question. Probably Not. we're certain of that with certain children.
I repeated the question: Answer:
On the Planet, No, Probably Not, It happens in the Physical
it hurts Us
Hunger Still Some babies will get some food not enough.
I asked the question one more time before I close down. Thanked them for their help. They said:
We're Grateful
If human look over and think it's sad
Asked One last time to please repeat and thanked them again.
Reply: Be Peaceful. Freedom could have if humans would wake,
wake up to Love
I coughed and edited me coughing and saying excuse me from the video.
Angels spoke:
Be Grateful Take Care of Your Vehicle Love it and Help Yourself
(Again when they speak of a Vehicle, they are speaking about our Body)
Please listen to the Video Below of the Session:
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