Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Unbelievable EVP Communication - Full of Surprises

About the EVP Communications from November 11th, 2012
As you will hear, we went over to Dad and Mom's house, to get a CD from one of our Computers that was being stored over at their home. Since no one lives there,  we didn't think anything about going over there at 5 AM to get the CD. 
I was  pleasantly surprised to find them at the house and I was able to have communication with them that morning. Or was it them? No one will ever know the complete truth. All I know is that the EVP that came through the spirit box, sounded like my Mother's voice and is the same voice that you will hear many times throughout our recordings. So, for this blog post, I will assume that the voice that came through the recordings/ spirit box was my Mother and write this blog post in that regard. 
Since we were going over there, I decided to bring my spirit box, recorder EMF meter and batteries just in case I was able to communicate with them.  I am glad I brought batteries, as the recorder I brought just so happened to be the one that needed them. After changing the batteries, I turned on the Spirit Box and recorder and went into my Mother's bedroom to see if I could get a reading. To My surprise,  4 lights were on as I Moved the meter over the top of her bed. I am not sure what to make of this, but I know not to assume anything and that I have to be open to all types of possibilities. Were Mom and Dad sleeping in the bed? Did they know we were going over there and just waiting for me to turn the Spirit Box on?  Was it really Mom and  Dad or was it other spirits there?  Did it just appear  like someone was lying on the bed when the lights came on? It is not my job in life to judge and I might never find out that answer. All I know is when I moved the EMF meter where my Mother used to sleep it lit up as if she was laying there and about the height to what she was when she was alive. The other side of the bed, the lights were strong all the way down the bed  on the opposite side of the bed. My Father was 6 ft tall when he was alive and that would be all the way down the bed. Was really cool. This is not the first time this has happened, in fact we have video showing the lights on the EMF Meter, turning on in this way. pretty cool. (on video  I  typed 5, which appeared later in the video when I asked the question if I could do something for them).  Later on during this visit, I went back into the bedroom and NO reading appeared.  At that time, the EMF lit up in the kitchen over the 2 chairs and NO reading in the bedroom. Which I found really interesting. 
26 seconds into the video, you will hear a spirit say something which is straight from the recorder, not through the spirit box. Not sure what they said but was interesting that this happened several times during this session. I only marked the one time in the video, but if you listen carefully to the video, you should be able to spot a few times where it sounds like the voice came through the recorder itself and not the spirit box. See if you can find them. This has been happening quite often now the last month or so. 

During this recording all the way through, the spirits were communicating  directly with the conversations that my husband and I were having. I was very happy to listen to this recording.

Around 2 minutes in the video, there are other spirits talking, which gave me a wake up call.
I was talking about listening to our recordings and the spirits said: That's Good. Perfect..
Then a different spirit voice said: They won't do it. Then another spirit said: Big problem.
I was glad that we actually did bring this recording home and listen right away. This awakened me of letting go of my fear and just start doing them. No matter what any one thinks of me! So hear I am, posting video again and starting to write in our blog.
At 3 minutes and 20 seconds, it said: "The bedroom". After asking what we could do for them. This happens in several recordings which I still have no idea what it is that "they" want me/ us to do in the bedroom. 
I got the biggest kick out of , at 4 minutes and 46 seconds into the video, I saw that they had gone into the kitchen. I had the EMF meter and had waved it over the 2 chairs in the kitchen and the lights on the EMF meter went up to 3 lights over both chairs. It sounds like they say: We're Equal. I take it as meaning the same amount of lights on the EMF meter ;) pretty cute ;)
At 6 minutes and 1 seconds into the video, I was very surprised when listening to this. I still do not know what to make of it. You will hear: Mom (which sounds like a young spirits voice) Then another voice says: ? "In the Kitchen." Acknowledging they were in the kitchen where I was standing with the EMF meter showing they were there. But who's the young spirit talking? Who was answering the young spirit?  I could let my mind go wild on this one, but will wait til future recordings and will ask about this. 
LOL at 8 minutes and 26 seconds, I was talking about finally clearing off all the canning jars that we had on the kitchen counters that Hubby finally moved them and put them in a box. She answered: yes, Except for the dishes. LOL which we had clean dishes sitting on the counter that we had not put away in the cupboards. 
9 minutes and 38 seconds, I was leaving the big kitchen light on,  It appears that the spirits do not want me to leave that one on as I hear: Not that one.  
At 9 Minutes and 43 seconds, we were ready to leave and I noticed the light on the pole lamp, next to where my Dad used to sit in the living room had came on! What a pleasant surprise! You will then hear spirit voices stating one of them had turned it on. The spirit kept repeating  "I did" .
At 10 minutes and 54 seconds, Another surprise LOL.. It sounds like a spirit told me that I should vacuum.  
At 16 minutes and 46 seconds, you can hear another Young spirit voice when we are outside, say: Papa.  Wow, I wonder who that was? 
At 16 minutes and 55 seconds, you will hear us walking on SNOW, it was chilly out and I noticed that the flowers in front of the house are still green and have flowers. Our flowers have been brown and died off quite a long time ago. I was totally surprised by this. You will see the pictures below what we saw, as my husband went back and took pictures of the flowers a few days after this recording and took pictures of ours to show the difference!
At 17 minutes and 24 seconds when I ask the question, how can these flowers still be green and have flowers and ours all brown, you will hear a spirit say: It's a blessing.  So awesome!

Here is the Flowers at Mom and Dad's House:

Now see Our flowers at Our Home

Yes it is amazing and a Blessing ;) 
Big Difference between the two houses and in November mind you in Northern MN. :) 

I hope you enjoyed the recording. Please leave any comments below and feel free to share this blog post. Also don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel and our blog, for a whole lot more sharing to come.

Have a blessed week
Our Spirits Talk

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