Saturday, September 24, 2011

Talking with Spirits -September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011 (Settling up finances of the Estate).
We had gone to Mother's House in the afternoon to see what she had to say about what happened earlier that morning.
We had met my brother, (Gordy) and sister(Carol),at Mother's house to settle up on the money that was left in her accounts after paying all the bills. Then we went to hardees and had a chicken sandwich which Mother loved. After lunch we went to the cemetary where my Sister put Flowers out for Mother and Father.
At Noon, my Brother's touch tone lamp came on (which we found out later that night) and my sister said her light was on when they came home that day (Dustin's Lamp). (See blog post here for the significance of the touch tone lamps coming on)
We turned on the spirit box, recorder on in the car when we got there.
You can clearly see that the spirits knew that we were there right away. One spirit (Mother?) was interacting with us outside as we are talking about Mother's garden and the Johnny Jump Ups and the weeds we have to take care of.
During this whole conversation (around 45 minutes) the EMF meter was at 3 lights solid. Sometimes depending on what was being talked about it would peak out to all 5 lighs, and go back to 3 lights.
There are a lot of words we can make out plain as day what they are saying, but sometimes we are un sure and so we put Question marks where we did not know what it was for sure.
One really interesting part, was when I asked if she knew who I brought over the night before, (Friday night September 23rd) and she answeered plain as day: Betty.
In fact, she said, Betty several times. Which was correct.
My friend, Betty, and I had come over Friday evening so she could try on a few clothes of Mother's.
Mother adored, Betty and by the sounds of the recording was very happy that Betty found some clothes. ;)
September 27th between noon and 2 PM Dad's touch tone lamp came on. (Tuesday)
Se[tember 28 between 8:30-10:00 PM Dad's touch tone lamp came on. (Wednesday)

If you can make out any of the words with question marks, or hear a different word other than what we have in the video's please let us know.
What the spirits say is important to us.
I feelthat the spirits are my Mother and Father.
They know the names of my sister, (Carol) brother (Gordy) along with other family members names.
The spirit (s) are definetly interacting with us and answering questions.
You will hear us ask several times the same questions, to verify the answer, and sometimes we are not able to hear the answer clearly enough the first time and just want to make sure. Plus it tells us the consistency of the answers.

Your help with any of the translations is deeply appreciated. Along with your comments.
3 Videos
Talking with Sprits -September 24th, 2011 (Part 1 of 3)

Talking with Sprits -September 24th, 2011
(Part 2 of 3)

Talking with Sprits -September 24th, 2011
(Part 3 of 3)
Your help with any of the translations is deeply appreciated. Along with your comments.

Thank you,
Our Spirit Talks

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