Tuesday, October 27, 2015

More Picture Message on Mirror October25, 2015 Images

Wow this is pretty awesome. We took a video of the images on our mirror
today (October 25, 2015) and when we watched the video
we started to see ALL Kinds of Awesome Images!
Depending on the angle of the camera as to what we saw.
See the video and the pictures below.
Let us know what you see, we would love to hear from you.

This has happened several times now, where we woke up and
noticed images and writing on our mirror. Is it our spirit guides or past away loved ones leaving us messages? Not sure. But we wanted to capture
the experience. 

Here is the Amazing Pictures We got from the Video

I  put a circle around what we found interesting
It almost looks prehistoric. Prehistoric Bird maybe?

In this picture it looks like a wolf
But when you blow it up or go to a different angle
it looks like a horse/unicorn , polar bear etc.. We will show more below.

The 2 Pictures above show a Number 2 with 2 hearts to the right of the number toward the top of the picture. Pretty Awesome!

Here there is a Little Boy standing 
maybe by a couch. 

A little Clearer Picture of a kid standing by couch.

Sane  Area Picture but I swear it looks like a Wolf or some type of animal
laying down. What is to the Right of it? not sure What do You See?

Could be a dog?

Even maybe a wolf?

Whatever those pictures are, it was quite exciting and interesting
to have them show up on our mirror.  Now in the morning
we will take a look at the mirror and see if anything changed.
If it hasn't, we will give it a good cleaning and wait for more images or messages to appear. We love it!

Do we just have an awesome imagination or did some non- physical
being put them their for us to see. Open our eyes to more possibilities.
This life is so awesome and full of so many beautiful mysteries.

Be Blessed .
Leave your comments below and let us know what you see.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Messages On Our Mirror Awesome

Just found a video and Pictures of August 15, 2015 
when we woke up to Messages on Our Mirror.
There was some the Day before but the next day, more writing and Pictures had been added. So Wonderful to receive Messages this way!  I started looking for this video because Today (October 25,2015 ), there was another message.  
See next Blog post with October 25, Messages. It is Really Cool!

Besides Doing a REALLY BAD JOB of Cleaning the Mirror LOL, 
You can see the Love Dove, 2 hearts, Diane Do but for some reason
on the Video or in the Pictures the word LOVE did not show up in any of them to show it. bummer.  Also was pretty cool on the towel Rack looks like a turtle or snail...... with the Letter "L"  with Dashes and maybe a flower. 
Also we were not able to show the rainbow and the little girl that Chuck saw.
Depending on the lighting and the angle of the door makes it easy or hard to get pictures to show correctly. Either Way........ We Enjoyed our messages!

I laugh, because I can almost picture my Mother Writing" Diane Do"  saying to clean the mirror. lol..... and then the word Love with hearts showing she loves me. 
Mother left her body form June 3, 2011.  When she used to come over to visit,  she would always ask me when I was going to clean my windows. ;) LOL.....  I  used to tease her and say I didn't want any birds to get hurt. ( I have seen Birds fly into windows not knowing it was there because it was too clean.)

See the Video and Pictures Below:

Dove or Chuck says: Under Dog lol
With Diane Do

Love Dove (under Dog? LOL )

2 Hearts

Turtle or Snail with  Letter "L" with Dashes

Saw this in Video not sure what it is.. found it interesting 
Misc Pictures Below of things we spotted in video

On the next Video, my mirror was washed prior a lot better LOL so you can see the image a lot better. 

 Leave a Message Below as to what you see.

Have a Blessed Week! Have Hope and Believe!